Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic Legal advice and assistance to residents of the District of Thunder Bay, particularly Indigenous people, who need assistance with poverty law issues

Staff and Board of Directors

Board of Directors 2024/25

Alta Fenton                                         President                                           Thunder Bay

Candace Davies                                  Vice-President                                   Nipigon

Cindy Whittington                              Secretary/Treasurer                         Thunder Bay

Theresa Ray                                        Director                                              Marathon

Angela Nodin                                      Director                                              Armstrong

Terrence Franck                                 Director                                               Thunder Bay

Mark Celeiro                                       Director                                              Geraldton

Staff – Thunder Bay:

Jessica Barry                                       Administrative Assistant

Megan Belluz                                     Housing Intake Support Worker (EPP Project)

Kim Facca                                            RSW/Community Legal Worker

Teri Hofer                                            Executive Assistant

Cindy Johnson                                    Executive Assistant

Matthew Jollineau                              Staff Lawyer (contract)

Kelly King                                            Intake Worker/Community Legal Worker

Tracey Lawrence                                Licensed Paralegal/Community Legal Worker

Claire Littleton                                    Coordinator of Legal Services/Staff Lawyer

Molly MacDonald                                Staff Lawyer (on leave)

Melanie MacKenzie                            Licensed Paralegal/Community Legal Worker

Allister McGillivray                             Staff Lawyer (contract)

Ann McGuire                                       Cultural Coordinator

Beth Ponka                                          Director of Administration

Sarah Racine                                       Housing Systems Navigator (EPP Project)

Caycie Soke                                         Staff Lawyer (on leave)

Terri Zeleny                                         Receptionist/Administrative Assistant

Staff – Geraldton:

Chantal Walterson                              Licensed Paralegal/Community Legal Worker

Pam Leblanc                                        Administrative Assistant

Staff – Marathon:

Miriam McCutcheon                          Community Legal Worker

Brandi DeJonge                                  Administrative Assistant





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