Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic Legal advice and assistance to residents of the District of Thunder Bay, particularly Indigenous people, who need assistance with poverty law issues


Full membership in the Legal Clinic shall be open to any person of Indigenous descent who is resident in the District of Thunder Bay in the Province of Ontario and who is eighteen years of age or older.

Associate Membership shall be open to any interested persons.

Honorary Membership shall be open to any person who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Legal Clinic or that of the Full Members at an Annual General Meeting of the Legal Clinic, merits such special consideration.

Only Full Members of the Legal Clinic shall be entitled to hold office in the Legal Clinic, to sit on the Board of Directors of the Legal Clinic, to be elected as delegates at General Meetings and to vote at any meetings of the Legal Clinic.

Persons applying for membership in the Legal Clinic shall be added to its membership register upon receipt of their application. The Board reserves the right to terminate membership for good and proper reason.

The Directors may set membership dues and fees, if any, by By-law.  Currently there are no dues/fees.

Membership Application Form

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