The clinic’s central office is in Thunder Bay and there are two branch offices in Geraldton and Marathon. Each of the branch offices is staffed by a full-time legal worker and full-time Administrative Assistant. The legal workers are supervised by lawyers in the Thunder Bay office. The branch office legal workers travel on a regular basis to the following First Nation communities: Mobert, Pays Plat, Long Lake 58, Ginoogaming, Aroland, MacDiarmid, and Lake Helen. In addition, they also travel to the following non-reserve communities: Manitouwadge, Schreiber, Nakina, Jellicoe, Beardmore, and Nipigon. Armstrong and Whitesand are serviced by a legal worker that travels to the community.
Thunder Bay
86 S. Cumberland St.
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 2V3
Phone: (807) 344-2478
Fax: (807) 345-2842
Toll Free: 1-888-373-3309
Geraldton and Area
404 Main Street, Unit A
P.O. Box 1090
Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0
Phone: (807)854-1278
Fax: (807)854-1542
Toll Free: 1-866-875-4952
Marathon and Area
#101 – 52 Peninsula Square
P.O. Box 658
Marathon, ON P0T 2E0
Phone: (807)229-2290
Fax: (807)229-0486
Toll Free: 1-866-389-1477